Why Diffuse …

Essential oils are so much more than just feel good smells (although they DO smell amazing!). Essential oils have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, cell membranes and physiologically affect the body on a cellular level. This means that while they can help regulate mood, they also have properties that support the bodies natural responses in the immune system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, and others.

So when you diffuse pure essential oils that have pure chemical constituents it becomes a therapeutic delivery system to benefit your health as well as improve the scent of your environment, and cleanse the air.

I myself was a candle user in the past and then I began to discover that due to the way candles were produced I didn’t want to be inhaling chemicals as I burned them. When I switched to diffusing essential oils a whole new world of options for both pleasing my sense of smell and improving my health opened up to me.

If you are new to diffusing essential oils and would like to begin your own diffusing journey I highly recommend this kit to get you started. It comes with a high quality ultrasonic diffuser and a variety of Certified Pure Tested Grade therapeutic essential oils. To learn more about why I recommend these particular essential oils, you can read more here. If you want to learn more about the perks of purchasing from me, you can learn more about that here.

Diffusing Tips:

Tip 1: To make regular diffusing easy and convenient I suggest keeping a pretty jar of filtered water and a towel or cloth near your diffuser. This will expedite the time it takes to fill your diffuser and the cloth helps wipe any drips that may occur from condensation inside the diffuser lid. There are also many stylish containers and displays that you can keep near your diffuser with your favorite oils for diffusing. This also will reduce any friction from looking for what you need before you start.

Tip 2: Do you have a favorite go-to blend that you love? You can either purchase empty glass dropper bottles (amber or blue glass are recommended) to create your own diffuser collections in. You can use doTERRA’s custom labels to identify what you have inside for easy refilling. Keep this single bottle near your diffuser to save space and time.

Tip 3: Clean your diffuser regularly. I use this product and a cotton swab to easily clean my diffuser. Use filtered water to make time between cleaning longer to avoid mineral deposits from forming in your diffuser and lengthening the life of it.

I personally think doTERRA has some of the best diffusers out there. If you would like to get a sneak peek of what’s offered just click through the slide deck below. If you want more information on any of these diffusers or oils feel free to contact me.