Fitness Made Simple
As a working mom my own physical health always took a backseat, especially when things in my life got chaotic (which was basically always!) I was a commercial property manager during the financial crash after 9/11. This time was super stressful for everyone and jobs were scarce so the pressure to keep a job was intense. Additionally, my success at work required me to make a hefty profit for my clients every year during the worst recession of my lifetime - and I coped by learning to stress eat.
In my mid forties one of my kids had a health scare that turned our lives completely upside down for over two years. It was enough stress to completely burn out my adrenals and my stress eating was in full force so I gained 40 pounds in no time.
When I finally looked up from just trying to survive all that time I was shocked at how bad my physical health had gotten. I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and high blood pressure and I knew I needed to make a change - fast!
So I committed to losing the weight, but I was already exhausted and needed to be careful to support my adrenals at the same time. I didn’t know then just how difficult it would be to change those ingrained stress eating habits and despite my best efforts I tried and failed to improve my health for over a year.
I finally gave in and joined a friend with an accountability group that supported me while I changed my mindset, daily habits,
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