Biblical Fasting For Beginners
Has your spirit been stirring about doing a fast but you don’t really know how or where to start? I understand! As I grew in my relationship with the Lord I wanted to fast to draw closer to God. Although I had the desire, I was at a bit of a loss as to how to practically do that other than following a few popular protocols like the Daniel or Esther fast. So what if neither of those feel right for you?
Hopefully I can shed some practical light on the topic for you and get you off in the right direction.
What is Fasting?
Fasting on a spiritual level is actually very simple. Honestly, it is just about abstaining from something that has become too important in your life. That’s why people can effectively fast technology, coffee, candy or sweets, etc. If you are like I was and didn’t think that those kinds of fasts “counted” I want to assure you that they do. It is wisdom and the Holy Spirit that convicts you when you notice something is out of balance in your life, even if it seems like something insignificant.
When you notice that something is driving your behavior and that drive is greater than the pull you feel to worship, pray or read your Bible it’s probably a good idea to set some boundaries and dedicate your efforts to the Lord - choosing to spend the time you would be doing that thing with Him instead. The concept of Biblical fasting is just to bring your flesh under submission. It is primarily about discipline and worship. We are told to rule over our souls by bringing all thoughts captive (mind, will and emotions) choosing to walk in forgiveness, turning away from sin and temptation etc. Discipleship is really just about learning to walk in obedience to God’s instructions and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and rule over us rather than ourselves or our desires. When we choose to do this, it is an act of worship. We choose to submit ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus over the things our flesh desires.
Why to Fast Food
If you find that the thing that is ruling you is food it gets to be pretty sticky real fast. We need food to live. But very often we use food for things that the Lord wants to provide for us like comfort, safety, pleasure and security. When we do this food becomes an idol and we have to deal with it as such.
The Bible talks about our stomachs having the ability to rule us in the book of Philippians.
For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. Phil 3:18-19
I can relate to this idolatry with an addiction to sugar affecting me in a similar way. I’ve also struggled with plain old food addiction where I used food for wrong reasons. When I find myself displaying these tendencies I know it’s a good time to pray about a fast and get into it to right my priorities. Because this is something I’ve struggled with a lot, I also try to keep to a regular fasting discipline to keep food in it’s proper order. This helps me to discipline my flesh and I am less likely to get out of control again.
Fasting About Something in Particular
Another reason people desire to fast is to seek direction and guidance on issues of life. Sometimes, a certain situation will cause you to want to fast. It is wonderful to desire to seek God for direction in your life, but be cautioned; make sure you aren’t fasting because you want to get something from God. Please don’t gloss over this. I have noticed in conversation with Christians some will say, if you need a breakthrough, fast. Or many will share how they obtained a breakthrough via fasting. This definitely happens! But it should not ever be the reason we fast. If you go on a fast because you need or want something, know that this is a witchcraft approach. It says if I do this “for you” I want you to do this for me. Essentially, we are the focus in that scenario and that as the Lord likes to say, “is a stench in his nostrils.” (consider how it makes you feel when someone does something for you to get something in return).
There is a very important passage of scripture in Isaiah about fasting that you should read before you begin a fast so that your motives are pure.
Isaiah 58:3-5
‘Why have we fasted,’ they say,
‘and you have not seen it?
Why have we humbled ourselves,
and you have not noticed?’
“Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please
and exploit all your workers.
4 Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife,
and in striking each other with wicked fists.
You cannot fast as you do today
and expect your voice to be heard on high.
5 Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,
only a day for people to humble themselves?
Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed
and for lying in sackcloth and ashes?
Is that what you call a fast,
a day acceptable to the Lord?
Motives and behavior matter to God. I encourage you to read the whole of Isaiah 58 and hear what He says to us. Fast for guidance, wisdom on how to deal with your situation or strength to endure, just make sure that the purpose of your fast is to seek God Himself, rather than to change circumstances in your life. The Bible is clear, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then will all things you need be added to you.
Destroying Religiocity
We can often get caught up in the doing of fasting. So if the whole reason you are fasting is because you are seeking God for wisdom, help, direction or worship, then don’t forget to actually seek Him. In other words don’t just go on a hunger strike abstaining from food. During the time you would be eating, step away from daily activities and pray. When I fast I will go in another room and pray during meal times. I will confess scripture over the things I am contending for and use that time to draw near to God knowing He will also draw near to me. This is really the most important piece of fasting, not merely eliminating things from your life.
I also want to say that this doesn’t have to be a prolonged, torturous affair to be effective. Yes, an amount of discomfort is part of the process but every effort we make to prioritize God in our lives pleases Him and He is not grading our performance. There are no trophies for the pain you experience. Religion wants to keep our focus on us and our actions. Fasting is about our devotion to God and our love and worship only.
How Long Should You Fast?
I think the biggest question for people is how long to fast and what if you struggle to finish it? First and foremost pray about your fast before you start. Don’t just embark on a fast in your flesh, that’s the best way to fail. Work with the Lord to choose the duration and be realistic. If you know you can only fast a day, don't think that is not good enough. Just like anything else, know thyself. Know what your current limitations are and then stretch yourself beyond them to a point of needing Him to get you through. This is the sweet spot of fasting as a disciple. If you can easily fast a whole day, push yourself to two and when it is hard lean on, seek out and grab hold of our Lord for strength and to pull you through. Also practice relatively often. Train your fasting and seeking muscles. The better you get at denying yourself, the deeper your connection with The Lord will be. Just don’t count yourself out because you are weak the first times you try it and don’t let shame or condemnation speak to you. Step into the water with faith and lean on God. He loves it when you try and seek Him!
Fast in Hope
In closing I want to circle back to the blessings of this discipline. There are definitely blessings from God whenever we orient our lives to worship Him and worship does often require sacrifice and this pleases God. After being careful to keep your focus on God honoring, hold on to the promises that He gives us in Isaiah 58:8-9.
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness[a] will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
9 Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
I hope I have been able to demonstrate that fasting isn’t hard, scary or impossible. I also hope you are encouraged to begin to incorporate fasting into your faith life. If you clicked on this post it is likely because Holy Spirit has already been inviting you to participate in this with Him.
Bless You!