Rumor has it that the full moon can wreak havoc on our emotions, moods and physical comfort. Moon energies can be draining or can make us feel rowdy and erratic. If you have people in your life who are sensitive to the moons activity you have probably noticed some changes in mood or behavior during these cycles. Here is how I have learned to support myself and my family during this time.
Read MoreShower melts aren't just for colds anymore! Here are some aromatherapy recipes designed to enhance your self care routine like never before!
Read MoreEver wish you could bring your diffuser with you to work? How about on a flight (or better yet in TSA check in!) Have you ever been in a public situation that you wished you had the physical and/or emotional support of your oils to keep you calm, or give you courage? Maybe you wished you could douse someone else with your oils cuz a sister seriously needs it?!
Girlfriend, it's time to grab you some aromatherapy jewelry and make that magic liquid MOBILE!
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