One of the easiest ways to lessen the amount of stuff in your home is not to buy 'stuff'. I decided to do a no spend month and see how it goes. Turns out its a lot more challenging than I thought it would be!
Read MoreAre you plagued with worry and anxiety? The concept of detaching from outcomes has been hugely helpful in reducing the amount of worry and anxiety I feel in my life. Detachment frees us from the burden of controlling end results and allows us to have stronger faith, and more security in our day-to-day lives. This concept has been life changing for me and many others.
Read MoreMy review of Chrystal Evans Hurst's book She's Still There - the perfect way to start out a new year!
Read MoreWords have power! They also have the ability to steal your power. Here are 5 words I discovered made me powerless that I eliminated from my vocabulary.
Read MoreI’ve always been a planner and a goal digger, and each year I plan and write down goals for the upcoming year. This year I learned about a way to focus those goals around the higher intention you have for your life and I wanted to share that concept with you. It’s called choosing a guiding word and it begins with asking yourself some questions before you start to make your annual plans.
Read MoreEmotional pain, soothing, and my journey back to wholeness through mindfulness and mantras that empower to heal.
Read MoreNo matter how much you love what you do, sometimes situations at work can threaten to bring you down. I have learned how to raise my vibe when things get hard by implementing these strategies.
Read MoreMistakes have an ugly cultural stigma associated with them that causes such deep seated fear in us that anxiety and perfectionism can develop as we try to avoid them. After suffering endlessly from perfectionism I challenged this idea in my business and personal life and developed a 10% Margin of Error Rule that my business lives by and I believe helps us all perform even better.
Read MoreDo you ever look at your job and think 'there has to be a better way'! I am definitely someone who needs to work, it's a part of who I am. But I realized along the way that what I had been taught abouthow to make my dreams come true wasn't working for me on a spiritual level. Opening my mind and heart to new possibilities helped me to find a much better way for me and my family.
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