Tina's Whole Life


I'm Tina! I’m a dedicated wife & mom to 3 grown kids and an entrepreneur for over a decade. I am crazy about Jesus, making and impact, and living life to the fullest!

I believe in living your BEST life every day, aging gracefully, and simple solutions that make life most enjoyable. I believe that by examining your life, what truly motivates you (and being willing to go against the grain a little) you can create a life full of joy and purpose- and I really want to encourage you to go for it! 



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Live Clean - Easily!

Did you know that in many of the day-to-day items we use in our homes and on our bodies contain harmful chemicals that are known carcinogens or neurotoxins, and have been linked to endocrine disruption, hormone imbalances, organ damage and more?!?

But let's be honest, it's a BIG JOB trying to figure out what these harmful chemicals are and we can become easily overwhelmed by the process.

So I've created a cheat sheet for you that has 6 of the most common household and personal care items in your home to help you begin the switch. You can take one item at a time and start swapping them for cleaner, healthier options without feeling like you need to pack up your whole house and start over!

This list outlines what chemicals you should look for in the products you currently use and what you want to avoid when you purchase next time.

Easy Peasy!

And it's free to you just for showing up here!

Just enter your email address below and I'll send it to you right away!


On my site I'll be sharing about 5 topics I'm crazy passionate about: 

Clean Living & Eating, From Miss to Ma'am, Like a Boss, Effective Home Management, & Using Your Head (to your advantage!) I also have a love of the old ways like growing your own food and preserving it that I’ll sprinkle in here and there too. So if that sounds like stuff you are interested in stick around with me for a bit!

